Using the latest methods in cognitive technology and artificial intelligence, the Talentrix Group provides organizations with dynamic data collection methods and analytical tools to manage big data and to develop actionable insights that can play a major role in the future success of an organization.
SURVEYS : Measure what matters for engagement
Everyone agrees that employee engagement and mobilization metrics are essential to measure for any organization. The positive impact that employee engagement has on the achievement of an organization’s business objectives has been thoroughly researched and documented: reduced turnover, lower workplace accident rates, increased client satisfaction and loyalty, an increase in sales, an increase in profits, etc.
Based on new organizational structures and technological improvements, annual engagement surveys that are based on the issues that are only of concern to the organization, is no longer sufficient to gather the appropriate data required to effectively measure engagement.
If you’re interested in taking the pulse of your organization, acquire relevant action plans and drive greater employee engagement, click here and we’ll help you experience the power of Employee Voice.
SEMEON: Talent Match
The expanding role of data analytics has had a direct and positive impact on the recruitment function. Recruitment professionals are responsible for quickly processing and evaluating talent, for example, from a simple text submitted by an potential candidate from within thousands of resumes that have been uploaded via their organization’s career portal.
Combining artificial intelligence and semantic processing, Talent Match, distributed by the Talentrix Group, allows recruiters and talent management professionals to quickly isolate and extract specific information directly from a text that a candidate has submitted. Fields may include specific information such as academic credentials, professional experience, specific skills or certifications or on any other criteria that a talent management professional may wish to focus on. Recruiters now also have the possibility to automate the pre-selection process by using Talent Match’s ability to analyze an introduction letter or text and match it to a specific question that was asked in a posting using the significance of the words used.
Beyond simple keyword searches, Talent Match provides a substantial improvement in the time taken to screen large amounts of resumes while also ensuring a greater standardization during the resume processing phase. This is achieved using Talent Match’s talent dictionary and its mapping ability as the system can be configured by the organization to identify a specific profile.
To experience the power of Talent Match and how semantic processing can improve your screening accuracy, reduce your analysis time, instantly compare candidates’ information, eliminate biases and make better person-organization fit decisions, click here.